Tutoring/Term Paper Assistance

DONATE TODAY: Reach AND Teach at the Same Time!!!

Please leave the name of student, phone, and email contact to be contacted by the ministry's tutoring staff. Thank you for your educational contribution to a child in need.

Please leave the name of student, phone, and email contact to be contacted by the ministry's tutoring staff. Thank you for your educational contribution to a child in need.

Please leave the name of student, phone, and email contact to be contacted by the ministry's tutoring staff. Thank you for your educational contribution to a child in need.

We have several traditional and Bible schools we take part in helping to sponsor students. For it is written, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," (Hosea 4:6). In this day and age, no child or student should have to suffer because they weren't able to obtain knowledge. Donate today to help assist these children and students who need your love and financial support to ensure they continue to receive the education they need. We gift all those who donate at least £15 to support educational sponsoring with 30 mins of tutoring or assistance with term papers to the child or student of their choice. Thank you for your contribution to help a child succeed!