Are you over asking the QUESTION? You should be:
9 Jun 2024 17:59
Are you over asking the QUESTION? You should be:
28 May 2024 10:02
So this morning I was doing my LECTIO DIVINA after a brief prayer with the Lord. I was led from Psalms 91 the latter verses to Psalms 24. I thought hummm, HOLY GHOST what are you trying to tell me? "Oh God, I know I'm imperfect! Please forgive me! Help me be better!" (Thinking on Verses 4,5; thinking it was a Correction message from the Holy Spirit). But It SAID read it again slowly. IT fixated me on Verses 7-10. 'Doors' and 'Gates'. I thought God I have read this Psalm numerous times. But never wondered about the 'Gates' and 'Doors'.
23 May 2024 22:33
Welcome believers and potentials! You may already know. But God loves you just the way you are! "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." (KJV John 3:16-17). And so He does! So whatever it may be a small prayer, a word of encouragement, a question, or a paragraph expounding on a post's subject according to and including the Word of God you are welcome to join in with us sharing living well waters! All prayer requests on the blog or thru contact forms will be interceded for seriously!