
Published on 23 May 2024 at 22:33

Welcome believers and potentials!  You may already know.  But God loves you just the way you are! "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." (KJV John 3:16-17). And so He does!  So whatever it may be a small prayer, a word of encouragement, a question, or a paragraph expounding on a post's subject according to and including the Word of God you are welcome to join in with us sharing living well waters! All prayer requests on the blog or thru contact forms will be interceded for seriously!

Hi everyone. My name is Apostle Kolawole.  Just wondering what is the best time for a believer to read the word?

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Apostle Kolawole
5 months ago

I was meditating on Psalm 146 tonight. And the word 'HOPE' suddenly stood out to me in the 5th verse. Contemplating : whose 'HOPE' is in the Lord. Led me to a still small voice; "and 'HOPE' MAKETH NOT ASHAMED (Romans 5:5)! I'm sure that's a word from God for me tonight. Maybe it's A WORD for someone else tonight also.

Apostle Kolawole
4 months ago

Welcome! Again to well whale ministries blog. Today I just wanted to REMIND US BELIEVERS, of the promises of the 91st Psalms focusing on the promises of:
*Divine Protection (Psalms 91:1-6)
*Divine Assistance (Psalms 91:7-12)
*Divine Justice (Psalms 91:13-16)
As we go throughout this week, ALLOWING GOD to build/recharge OUR SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH this scripture is a great meditation.
I know its for me, if its for you, let The Word have its perfect work!!

Olamide olabode Kikelomo
4 months ago

For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John3:17

Apostle Kolawole
4 months ago

Family through Christ, this is a powerful message in itself. Amen! Thank you. I'm sure it will bless someone or bless us all.

Emma Wooten
a month ago

Whosoever believe in him will have everlasting life! Thank you for the big welcome. I am taking the opportunity to pray for this ministry. May God bless it to continue to grow. I will go one step further by leaving a seed to support your efforts. Stay laboring for the Lord. May his blessing be upon this ministry!

Apostle Kolawole
a month ago

The ministry thanks you for your generosity! Certainly we will use it for the up building of God’s Kingdom and to spread Jesus throughout the world. We thank you on behalf of the widows and orphans in need. May God bless you ten fold for it is written, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over..” ( Luke 6:38)

Kylie Wooten
a month ago

A big thank you for the welcome. i am going to stand with my sister by leaving a seed to support the efforts of this ministry to help others. But unlike my sister I want my ribbon and my tea! God's blessings be upon this ministry

Apostle Kolawole
a month ago

Both of you, our sisters in Christ, your contributions are greatly appreciated. They will go to a higher cause. We truly thank you. Your ribbon and ‘Holy Tea’ you certainly shall receive! But may God reward you even the more for it is written, “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward,”(Mark 9:41).

Osezua Abu
a month ago

Hello. Thanks for the warm welcome. We appreciate. God’s love be upon everyone.

Apostle Kolawole
a month ago

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares,” (Hebrews 13:2). You are welcome.